How to Create the Guardians of the Galaxy Logo Text Effect

What You’ll Be Creating

Interested in learning how to draw the Guardians of the Galaxy logo? Follow this tutorial and learn how to make it from scratch while learning many new techniques. You will definitely get inspired to create other unique logos and text effects in future projects.

  • How to make the Guardians of the Galaxy font
  • How to make the Guardians of the Galaxy text effect
  • How to make the Guardians of the Galaxy logo background
  • How to make a neon light effect in Adobe Illustrator

Tutorial Assets

You’ll need the following resources in order to complete this project:

  • Sezectra: Techno / Sci-fi Game and Sport Font

1. How to Make a New Document in Adobe Illustrator

Launch Illustrator and go to File > New to open the New Document window. There, type the name of the document and set up the dimensions as shown. Keep the Units to Pixels and the Color Mode to RGB. Once you’re done, hit Create Document.

In the image below, you can see the other settings that I prefer to use while working in Illustrator. You can access them by going to Edit > Preferences.How to open a new document in Illustrator

2. How to Make the Guardians of the Galaxy Font

Step 1

Let’s start by taking the Type Tool (T) and writing the word “GUARDIANS” in capitals on your artboard. Use the Sezectra Regular font with a size of 212 pt. The color is not important at the moment.

While the text stays selected, go to the Character panel and change the following settings in order to distort the font (1):

  • Set the tracking for the selected characters-10
  • Horizontal Scale115%
  • Vertical Scale88%

Next, type “GALAXY” on your artboard using the Sezectra Regular font with a size of 212 pt, and apply the following settings in the Character panel (2):

  • Set the tracking for the selected characters25
  • Horizontal Scale115%
  • Vertical Scale85%
How to type Guardians and Galaxy in Illustrator

Step 2

Still using the Type Tool (T), write “OF” on your artboard using the same font (1). Apply these settings:

  • Set the font size80 pt
  • Set the tracking for the selected characters0
  • Horizontal Scale125%
  • Vertical Scale100%

The next piece of text is “THE”. Use the following settings and then arrange it under the word “OF” (2).

  • Set the font size80 pt
  • Set the tracking for the selected characters-25
  • Horizontal Scale125%
  • Vertical Scale100%

Before you continue, make sure that the words “THE” and “GALAXY” are aligned at the bottom and that the words “OF” and “GALAXY” are aligned at the top. Once that’s done, select everything on your artboard and go to Type > Create Outlines followed by Object > Ungroup (Shift-Control-G).

How to type OF and THE in Illustrator

Step 3

In order to make the font more similar to the original Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 logo, we need to distort the letters. We can achieve this by using the Direct Selection Tool (A) and moving some of the points where we want them to be. I recommend activating the Smart Guides by going to View > Smart Guides to help you align the points easily. Let’s start with the letter “G”.

First, while the letter is selected, go to Object > Compound Path > Release to obtain the three separate shapes that make up the letter G. Now, select only the points highlighted in green using the Direct Selection Tool (A) and move them downwards until you cover the empty space in the upper left side of the letter. Also elongate this top shape by dragging the two end points a little to the right.

Next, select only the point highlighted in red using the Direct Selection Tool (A), and move it downwards so it is aligned with the rest of the points at the bottom of the letter.

Continue to select only the points highlighted in blue, and move them upwards by pressing the Up Arrow key on your keyboard about 15 times, which means 15 px. Next, select the two end points and move them to the right to cover the empty space. Finally, select the two points highlighted in orange and move them to the right as shown. Also, elongate the top of this shape by dragging a selection over the three points, and move them upwards by pressing the Up Arrow key on your keyboard a few times.

Once you are done with the distorting (1), select all three shapes and press Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into one shape. This will be the new letter G (2).

How to distort the letter G

Step 4

For the letter “U”, first go to Object > Compound Path > Release to obtain the two separate shapes that make up the letter. Now, select only the two points highlighted in green using the Direct Selection Tool (A), and move them upwards by pressing the Up Arrow key on your keyboard about 15 times (15 px) until the empty space is covered. Once that’s done, select both shapes and press Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into the new letter U (1).

Following the simple distortion techniques explained above, you can modify the rest of the letters in the word “GUARDIANS” (2). How to distort the letter U

Step 5

Continue with the letters in the word “GALAXY” next. Some of the letters are repeated, so there’s no need to make them again. The ones that need to be modified are L, X, and Y, as shown in the image below (1).

Repeat the same techniques for the words “OF” (2) and “THE” (3).

How to distort Of The Galaxy text

3. How to Make the Guardians of the Galaxy Text Effect

Step 1

Now that you have the Guardians of the Galaxy logo text ready and arranged on your artboard, you can go ahead and create the text effect, which consists of multiple appearances.

First, create a group out of all the letters in the word “GUARDIANS” and then another group out of the letters in the word “GALAXY” by going to Object > Group (Control-G). Select the GUARDIANS and GALAXY groups and, in the Appearance panel, click on the Add New Fill icon at the bottom. This will add the first Fill attribute above the Contents line. Use the burgundy linear gradient shown, and set the Angle to 100 degrees.

While the two words stay selected, click on Add New Fill again to add a second Fill attribute under the first one. Use the gold linear gradient shown, and set the Angle to 109 degrees. While this Fill attribute is selected in the Appearance panel, go to Effect > Path > Offset Path and apply an Offset of 2 px.

The gradient color stops are:

  • Color916D3C, Location0%
  • Color553E1B, Location7.5%
  • Color7A5E38, Location8.5%
  • ColorDBB555, Location10%
  • ColorFFFD9D, Location15%
  • ColorDCB456, Location27.5%
  • Color785C37, Location35%
  • ColorE3BD5E, Location45%
  • ColorBF9246, Location55%
  • Color6E5029, Location65%
  • Color4D3717, Location70%
  • ColorBE9146, Location80%
  • ColorD3A74F, Location92.5%
  • Color4E391C, Location100%
How to add appearances 1-2 of Guardians of the galaxy text effect

Step 2

Add a third Fill attribute under the previous two, and use a linear gradient from black to pale yellow at a 90-degree Angle. Keep this Fill attribute selected in the Appearance panel, go to Effect > Path > Offset Path, and apply an Offset of 5 px. Set the Blending mode to Screen (1).

Add the fourth Fill attribute at the bottom of the Appearance panel and use the linear gradient shown, set at a 110-degree Angle. Next, apply a 4 px Offset; then go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown (2).

The gradient color stops are:

  • ColorD3A74F, Location0%
  • Color71501F, Location9.5%
  • Color4D3717, Location40%
  • Color6E5029, Location45%
  • ColorBF9246, Location55%
  • ColorF6C668, Location63%
  • Color693A05, Location73%
  • ColorDCB456, Location82%
  • ColorFFFFDB, Location95%
  • Color916D3C, Location100%
How to add appearances 3-4 of text effect

Step 3

Still with the GUARDIANS and GALAXY groups selected, use a white to black to white linear gradient at a 90-degree Angle to stroke the letters. Increase the Stroke Weight to 2 pt. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and apply a 98% Vertical Scale along with a -2 px Horizontal Move. Hit OK.

While the Stroke attribute is still selected in the Appearance panel, go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a Radius of 1 px. This is a small adjustment just to blur out the stroke a bit and turn it into a soft inner glow. Set the Blending mode to Screen (black becomes transparent).

How to stroke the Guardians Galaxy text

Step 4

We are almost done with this text effect; only the shadow is missing. Click on the Add New Fill icon again to add a new Fill attribute under all the others. Use dark brown as the fill color, and then apply an Offset of 5 px. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and apply a 99.8% Horizontal and Vertical Scale. In the Copies box, choose 6 and hit OK. Finally, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown below.

How to add shadow to Guardians Galaxy text

Step 5

The groups OF and THE have a different text effect applied to them, so we will create it in the following steps.

Click on the Add New Fill icon at the bottom of the Appearance panel to add the first Fill attribute above the Contents line. Use the brown linear gradient shown and set the Angle to 109 degrees (1).

Add the second Fill attribute above the first, and use the golden brown linear gradient shown. Apply an Offset of -2 px; then go to Effect > Stylize and apply the Inner Glow effect (2).

How to add appearances 1-2 to OF THE

Step 6

Add the third Fill attribute under the previous two, and use a pale yellow to black linear gradient at a 90-degree Angle. Apply an Offset of 1.5 px; then set the Blending mode to Screen and reduce the Opacity to 75% (1).

Add the fourth Fill attribute at the bottom and use the linear gradient shown at a 110-degree Angle. Apply an Offset of 1.5 px; then go to Effect > Stylize and apply the Drop Shadow effect (2).

The gradient color stops are:

  • ColorD3A74F, Location0%
  • Color71501F, Location9.5%
  • Color4D3717, Location40%
  • Color6E5029, Location45%
  • ColorBF9246, Location55%
  • Color693A05, Location73%
  • ColorDCB456, Location82%
  • Color916D3C, Location100%
How to add appearances 3-4 to OF THE

Step 7

For the last Fill attribute, use dark brown and apply an Offset of 2.3 px. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and apply a 99.8% Horizontal and Vertical Scale. In the Copies box, choose 6 and hit OK. Finally, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown below.

How to add shadow to OF THE text

Step 1

Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw a shape around the entire text, as shown in the image below. Give it a 20 pt Stroke using a light brown color. In the Stroke panel, click on the Round Join and Align Stroke to Outside options.

While the shape stays selected, go to Effect > 3D and Materials > 3D (Classic) > Extrude & Bevel (Classic) and apply the settings shown. Hit OK. This will turn the shape into a 3D edge.

How to make the 3D edge around text effect

Step 2

Copy and Paste in Front (Control-F) the 3D edge shape; then reduce the Stroke Weight to 19 pt and remove the 3D Extrude & Bevel (Classic) effect. Now, go to Effect > 3D and Materials > Extrude & Bevel. As you can see, this effect is different from the classic one and has much more settings and options to choose from.

Under the Object tab, make sure that Extrude is active and use the following settings:

  • Depth1447 pt
  • PresetFront
  • Perspective3 degrees

Under the Materials tab, find and click on Cork Natural to apply it. Next, open the Main Parameters settings and change some of them as shown on the right side of the image.

How to add texture to 3D edge

Step 3

Copy and Paste in Back (Control-B) the 3D edge and open the 3D and Materials window to change some of the settings. In the Materials tab, find and click on Natural Terrazzo Inserts to apply it and replace the Cork Natural material. Next, change the settings under Main Parameters and Inserts, as shown on the right side of the image. Once done, you will get the background behind the Guardians of the Galaxy text effect.

How to make 3D textured background behind text effect

Step 4

Select the 3D edge with the 3D Extrude & Bevel (Classic) effect applied, and then Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) to make a copy of it in front of everything. Go to Object > Expand Appearance to turn the 3D path into a group of shapes (1). Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select only the outer border and delete it. You only need the inner shapes (2).

Double-click on the group of shapes to enter Isolation Mode. Zoom in on a section as much as needed, and select all the small shapes that make up that section as shown in the close-up. Click on Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into one shape (3).

Repeat the same thing for all the other sections, and you will get all the colored shapes shown in the image below (4).

How to make highlight shapes on 3D edge

Step 5

Fill all the colored shapes obtained in the previous step with yellow, and set the Blending mode to Overlay. Keep the Opacity at 100% for some of the shapes, and reduce it to 50% for others, depending on the location of each shape (1). You can adjust this after you create the neon light effect, if needed.

To increase the light even more in some of the sections, Copy and Paste in Front (Control-F) the shapes shown below. Keep the same yellow fill color, but set them to Blending mode Overlay and 40% Opacity (2).

How to make highlights on 3D edge

5. How to Make the Neon Light Effect

Step 1

Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) the 3D edge again, and remove the 3D Extrude & Bevel (Classic) effect. You only need the path. Give it a 6 pt Stroke using any color for the moment. While the path is selected with the Selection Tool (V), drag the bounding box inwards to make the shape smaller (1).

After that, take the Scissors Tool (C) and click on the points highlighted in red to cut the path. Delete the segment between them (2) and then modify the path using the Pen Tool (P) as shown in the image below (3). Before you continue, click on the Round Cap and Round Join icons in the Stroke panel.

How to make the neon light path

Step 2

We will use the path obtained in the previous step to create the neon light effect that goes around the Guardians of the Galaxy text effect. This neon effect consists of multiple appearances and blur effects, as most neon effects usually are.

While the path stays selected, first go to Object > Expand in order to turn the 6 pt Stroke into a filled shape. Follow up with Object > Ungroup (Shift-Control-G). Set the fill color to white; then go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a Radius of 4 px. Hit OK (1).

With the path still selected, click on the Add New Fill icon at the bottom of the Appearance panel to add a second Fill attribute under the first one. Set the fill color to ivory, and then apply a 4 px Gaussian Blur again (2).

How to add appearances 1-2 of neon light effect

Step 3

Add a third Fill attribute under the previous two, and set the fill color to orange. Keep it selected, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform, and apply the settings shown. Once that’s done, go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a Radius of 5 px. Set the Blending mode of this Fill attribute to Overlay (1).

Add the fourth Fill attribute at the bottom of the Appearance panel, and use yellow as the fill color. Apply a 5 px Gaussian Blur and set the Blending mode to Overlay (2).

How to add appearances 3-4 of neon light effect

Step 4

Add another Fill attribute under the others, and set the color to yellow. Apply the Transform effect using the settings shown, and also a 10 px Gaussian Blur. Set the Blending mode to Overlay (1).

Add a new Fill attribute at the bottom, and set the color to orange. Apply the Transform effect again using the settings shown, and then a 13 px Gaussian Blur. Set the Blending mode to Hard Light this time (2).

How to add appearances 5-6 of neon light effect

Step 5

For the last Fill attribute, use orange again; then go to Effect > Blur > Radial Blur and set the Amount to 22. Make sure that the Blur Method is Zoom and the Quality is Good. Hit OK. Reduce the Opacity to 60%.

How to add radial blur effect in Illustrator

Step 6

At this point, the neon light effect is done. One final thing that you can do to improve the final look of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 logo is to select the GALAXY text effect and, in the Appearance panel, select the black to pale yellow gradient fill and change the Angle to -90 degrees. This will move the highlight to the bottom of the text, which is closer to the neon (1).

Also, select the text “THE”, head over to the Appearance panel, and change the Angle of the black to pale yellow gradient fill to 120 degrees. This will move the highlight to the top left side of the text, which is closer to the neon (2). That’s it!

How to improve Guardians of the Galaxy logo text effect

Congratulations! You’re Done

You have successfully learned how to draw the Guardians of the Galaxy logo. Now that you know how to make it, feel free to apply the same techniques to create other unique logos and text effects. You should definitely be inspired!

Make sure to check out Envato Elements, where you’ll find plenty of resources that will help you in your projects, from logos to text effects, fonts, actions, and so much more. Download as many as you need with a subscription.

Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 logo final image

What You’ll Be Creating

Interested in learning how to draw the Guardians of the Galaxy logo? Follow this tutorial and learn how to make it from scratch while learning many new techniques. You will definitely get inspired to create other unique logos and text effects in future projects.

  • How to make the Guardians of the Galaxy font
  • How to make the Guardians of the Galaxy text effect
  • How to make the Guardians of the Galaxy logo background
  • How to make a neon light effect in Adobe Illustrator

Tutorial Assets

You’ll need the following resources in order to complete this project:

  • Sezectra: Techno / Sci-fi Game and Sport Font

1. How to Make a New Document in Adobe Illustrator

Launch Illustrator and go to File > New to open the New Document window. There, type the name of the document and set up the dimensions as shown. Keep the Units to Pixels and the Color Mode to RGB. Once you’re done, hit Create Document.

In the image below, you can see the other settings that I prefer to use while working in Illustrator. You can access them by going to Edit > Preferences.How to open a new document in Illustrator

2. How to Make the Guardians of the Galaxy Font

Step 1

Let’s start by taking the Type Tool (T) and writing the word “GUARDIANS” in capitals on your artboard. Use the Sezectra Regular font with a size of 212 pt. The color is not important at the moment.

While the text stays selected, go to the Character panel and change the following settings in order to distort the font (1):

  • Set the tracking for the selected characters-10
  • Horizontal Scale115%
  • Vertical Scale88%

Next, type “GALAXY” on your artboard using the Sezectra Regular font with a size of 212 pt, and apply the following settings in the Character panel (2):

  • Set the tracking for the selected characters25
  • Horizontal Scale115%
  • Vertical Scale85%
How to type Guardians and Galaxy in Illustrator

Step 2

Still using the Type Tool (T), write “OF” on your artboard using the same font (1). Apply these settings:

  • Set the font size80 pt
  • Set the tracking for the selected characters0
  • Horizontal Scale125%
  • Vertical Scale100%

The next piece of text is “THE”. Use the following settings and then arrange it under the word “OF” (2).

  • Set the font size80 pt
  • Set the tracking for the selected characters-25
  • Horizontal Scale125%
  • Vertical Scale100%

Before you continue, make sure that the words “THE” and “GALAXY” are aligned at the bottom and that the words “OF” and “GALAXY” are aligned at the top. Once that’s done, select everything on your artboard and go to Type > Create Outlines followed by Object > Ungroup (Shift-Control-G).

How to type OF and THE in Illustrator

Step 3

In order to make the font more similar to the original Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 logo, we need to distort the letters. We can achieve this by using the Direct Selection Tool (A) and moving some of the points where we want them to be. I recommend activating the Smart Guides by going to View > Smart Guides to help you align the points easily. Let’s start with the letter “G”.

First, while the letter is selected, go to Object > Compound Path > Release to obtain the three separate shapes that make up the letter G. Now, select only the points highlighted in green using the Direct Selection Tool (A) and move them downwards until you cover the empty space in the upper left side of the letter. Also elongate this top shape by dragging the two end points a little to the right.

Next, select only the point highlighted in red using the Direct Selection Tool (A), and move it downwards so it is aligned with the rest of the points at the bottom of the letter.

Continue to select only the points highlighted in blue, and move them upwards by pressing the Up Arrow key on your keyboard about 15 times, which means 15 px. Next, select the two end points and move them to the right to cover the empty space. Finally, select the two points highlighted in orange and move them to the right as shown. Also, elongate the top of this shape by dragging a selection over the three points, and move them upwards by pressing the Up Arrow key on your keyboard a few times.

Once you are done with the distorting (1), select all three shapes and press Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into one shape. This will be the new letter G (2).

How to distort the letter G

Step 4

For the letter “U”, first go to Object > Compound Path > Release to obtain the two separate shapes that make up the letter. Now, select only the two points highlighted in green using the Direct Selection Tool (A), and move them upwards by pressing the Up Arrow key on your keyboard about 15 times (15 px) until the empty space is covered. Once that’s done, select both shapes and press Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into the new letter U (1).

Following the simple distortion techniques explained above, you can modify the rest of the letters in the word “GUARDIANS” (2). How to distort the letter U

Step 5

Continue with the letters in the word “GALAXY” next. Some of the letters are repeated, so there’s no need to make them again. The ones that need to be modified are L, X, and Y, as shown in the image below (1).

Repeat the same techniques for the words “OF” (2) and “THE” (3).

How to distort Of The Galaxy text

3. How to Make the Guardians of the Galaxy Text Effect

Step 1

Now that you have the Guardians of the Galaxy logo text ready and arranged on your artboard, you can go ahead and create the text effect, which consists of multiple appearances.

First, create a group out of all the letters in the word “GUARDIANS” and then another group out of the letters in the word “GALAXY” by going to Object > Group (Control-G). Select the GUARDIANS and GALAXY groups and, in the Appearance panel, click on the Add New Fill icon at the bottom. This will add the first Fill attribute above the Contents line. Use the burgundy linear gradient shown, and set the Angle to 100 degrees.

While the two words stay selected, click on Add New Fill again to add a second Fill attribute under the first one. Use the gold linear gradient shown, and set the Angle to 109 degrees. While this Fill attribute is selected in the Appearance panel, go to Effect > Path > Offset Path and apply an Offset of 2 px.

The gradient color stops are:

  • Color916D3C, Location0%
  • Color553E1B, Location7.5%
  • Color7A5E38, Location8.5%
  • ColorDBB555, Location10%
  • ColorFFFD9D, Location15%
  • ColorDCB456, Location27.5%
  • Color785C37, Location35%
  • ColorE3BD5E, Location45%
  • ColorBF9246, Location55%
  • Color6E5029, Location65%
  • Color4D3717, Location70%
  • ColorBE9146, Location80%
  • ColorD3A74F, Location92.5%
  • Color4E391C, Location100%
How to add appearances 1-2 of Guardians of the galaxy text effect

Step 2

Add a third Fill attribute under the previous two, and use a linear gradient from black to pale yellow at a 90-degree Angle. Keep this Fill attribute selected in the Appearance panel, go to Effect > Path > Offset Path, and apply an Offset of 5 px. Set the Blending mode to Screen (1).

Add the fourth Fill attribute at the bottom of the Appearance panel and use the linear gradient shown, set at a 110-degree Angle. Next, apply a 4 px Offset; then go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown (2).

The gradient color stops are:

  • ColorD3A74F, Location0%
  • Color71501F, Location9.5%
  • Color4D3717, Location40%
  • Color6E5029, Location45%
  • ColorBF9246, Location55%
  • ColorF6C668, Location63%
  • Color693A05, Location73%
  • ColorDCB456, Location82%
  • ColorFFFFDB, Location95%
  • Color916D3C, Location100%
How to add appearances 3-4 of text effect

Step 3

Still with the GUARDIANS and GALAXY groups selected, use a white to black to white linear gradient at a 90-degree Angle to stroke the letters. Increase the Stroke Weight to 2 pt. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and apply a 98% Vertical Scale along with a -2 px Horizontal Move. Hit OK.

While the Stroke attribute is still selected in the Appearance panel, go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a Radius of 1 px. This is a small adjustment just to blur out the stroke a bit and turn it into a soft inner glow. Set the Blending mode to Screen (black becomes transparent).

How to stroke the Guardians Galaxy text

Step 4

We are almost done with this text effect; only the shadow is missing. Click on the Add New Fill icon again to add a new Fill attribute under all the others. Use dark brown as the fill color, and then apply an Offset of 5 px. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and apply a 99.8% Horizontal and Vertical Scale. In the Copies box, choose 6 and hit OK. Finally, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown below.

How to add shadow to Guardians Galaxy text

Step 5

The groups OF and THE have a different text effect applied to them, so we will create it in the following steps.

Click on the Add New Fill icon at the bottom of the Appearance panel to add the first Fill attribute above the Contents line. Use the brown linear gradient shown and set the Angle to 109 degrees (1).

Add the second Fill attribute above the first, and use the golden brown linear gradient shown. Apply an Offset of -2 px; then go to Effect > Stylize and apply the Inner Glow effect (2).

How to add appearances 1-2 to OF THE

Step 6

Add the third Fill attribute under the previous two, and use a pale yellow to black linear gradient at a 90-degree Angle. Apply an Offset of 1.5 px; then set the Blending mode to Screen and reduce the Opacity to 75% (1).

Add the fourth Fill attribute at the bottom and use the linear gradient shown at a 110-degree Angle. Apply an Offset of 1.5 px; then go to Effect > Stylize and apply the Drop Shadow effect (2).

The gradient color stops are:

  • ColorD3A74F, Location0%
  • Color71501F, Location9.5%
  • Color4D3717, Location40%
  • Color6E5029, Location45%
  • ColorBF9246, Location55%
  • Color693A05, Location73%
  • ColorDCB456, Location82%
  • Color916D3C, Location100%
How to add appearances 3-4 to OF THE

Step 7

For the last Fill attribute, use dark brown and apply an Offset of 2.3 px. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and apply a 99.8% Horizontal and Vertical Scale. In the Copies box, choose 6 and hit OK. Finally, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown below.

How to add shadow to OF THE text

Step 1

Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw a shape around the entire text, as shown in the image below. Give it a 20 pt Stroke using a light brown color. In the Stroke panel, click on the Round Join and Align Stroke to Outside options.

While the shape stays selected, go to Effect > 3D and Materials > 3D (Classic) > Extrude & Bevel (Classic) and apply the settings shown. Hit OK. This will turn the shape into a 3D edge.

How to make the 3D edge around text effect

Step 2

Copy and Paste in Front (Control-F) the 3D edge shape; then reduce the Stroke Weight to 19 pt and remove the 3D Extrude & Bevel (Classic) effect. Now, go to Effect > 3D and Materials > Extrude & Bevel. As you can see, this effect is different from the classic one and has much more settings and options to choose from.

Under the Object tab, make sure that Extrude is active and use the following settings:

  • Depth1447 pt
  • PresetFront
  • Perspective3 degrees

Under the Materials tab, find and click on Cork Natural to apply it. Next, open the Main Parameters settings and change some of them as shown on the right side of the image.

How to add texture to 3D edge

Step 3

Copy and Paste in Back (Control-B) the 3D edge and open the 3D and Materials window to change some of the settings. In the Materials tab, find and click on Natural Terrazzo Inserts to apply it and replace the Cork Natural material. Next, change the settings under Main Parameters and Inserts, as shown on the right side of the image. Once done, you will get the background behind the Guardians of the Galaxy text effect.

How to make 3D textured background behind text effect

Step 4

Select the 3D edge with the 3D Extrude & Bevel (Classic) effect applied, and then Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) to make a copy of it in front of everything. Go to Object > Expand Appearance to turn the 3D path into a group of shapes (1). Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select only the outer border and delete it. You only need the inner shapes (2).

Double-click on the group of shapes to enter Isolation Mode. Zoom in on a section as much as needed, and select all the small shapes that make up that section as shown in the close-up. Click on Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into one shape (3).

Repeat the same thing for all the other sections, and you will get all the colored shapes shown in the image below (4).

How to make highlight shapes on 3D edge

Step 5

Fill all the colored shapes obtained in the previous step with yellow, and set the Blending mode to Overlay. Keep the Opacity at 100% for some of the shapes, and reduce it to 50% for others, depending on the location of each shape (1). You can adjust this after you create the neon light effect, if needed.

To increase the light even more in some of the sections, Copy and Paste in Front (Control-F) the shapes shown below. Keep the same yellow fill color, but set them to Blending mode Overlay and 40% Opacity (2).

How to make highlights on 3D edge

5. How to Make the Neon Light Effect

Step 1

Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) the 3D edge again, and remove the 3D Extrude & Bevel (Classic) effect. You only need the path. Give it a 6 pt Stroke using any color for the moment. While the path is selected with the Selection Tool (V), drag the bounding box inwards to make the shape smaller (1).

After that, take the Scissors Tool (C) and click on the points highlighted in red to cut the path. Delete the segment between them (2) and then modify the path using the Pen Tool (P) as shown in the image below (3). Before you continue, click on the Round Cap and Round Join icons in the Stroke panel.

How to make the neon light path

Step 2

We will use the path obtained in the previous step to create the neon light effect that goes around the Guardians of the Galaxy text effect. This neon effect consists of multiple appearances and blur effects, as most neon effects usually are.

While the path stays selected, first go to Object > Expand in order to turn the 6 pt Stroke into a filled shape. Follow up with Object > Ungroup (Shift-Control-G). Set the fill color to white; then go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a Radius of 4 px. Hit OK (1).

With the path still selected, click on the Add New Fill icon at the bottom of the Appearance panel to add a second Fill attribute under the first one. Set the fill color to ivory, and then apply a 4 px Gaussian Blur again (2).

How to add appearances 1-2 of neon light effect

Step 3

Add a third Fill attribute under the previous two, and set the fill color to orange. Keep it selected, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform, and apply the settings shown. Once that’s done, go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a Radius of 5 px. Set the Blending mode of this Fill attribute to Overlay (1).

Add the fourth Fill attribute at the bottom of the Appearance panel, and use yellow as the fill color. Apply a 5 px Gaussian Blur and set the Blending mode to Overlay (2).

How to add appearances 3-4 of neon light effect

Step 4

Add another Fill attribute under the others, and set the color to yellow. Apply the Transform effect using the settings shown, and also a 10 px Gaussian Blur. Set the Blending mode to Overlay (1).

Add a new Fill attribute at the bottom, and set the color to orange. Apply the Transform effect again using the settings shown, and then a 13 px Gaussian Blur. Set the Blending mode to Hard Light this time (2).

How to add appearances 5-6 of neon light effect

Step 5

For the last Fill attribute, use orange again; then go to Effect > Blur > Radial Blur and set the Amount to 22. Make sure that the Blur Method is Zoom and the Quality is Good. Hit OK. Reduce the Opacity to 60%.

How to add radial blur effect in Illustrator

Step 6

At this point, the neon light effect is done. One final thing that you can do to improve the final look of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 logo is to select the GALAXY text effect and, in the Appearance panel, select the black to pale yellow gradient fill and change the Angle to -90 degrees. This will move the highlight to the bottom of the text, which is closer to the neon (1).

Also, select the text “THE”, head over to the Appearance panel, and change the Angle of the black to pale yellow gradient fill to 120 degrees. This will move the highlight to the top left side of the text, which is closer to the neon (2). That’s it!

How to improve Guardians of the Galaxy logo text effect

Congratulations! You’re Done

You have successfully learned how to draw the Guardians of the Galaxy logo. Now that you know how to make it, feel free to apply the same techniques to create other unique logos and text effects. You should definitely be inspired!

Make sure to check out Envato Elements, where you’ll find plenty of resources that will help you in your projects, from logos to text effects, fonts, actions, and so much more. Download as many as you need with a subscription.

Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 logo final image

What You’ll Be Creating

Interested in learning how to draw the Guardians of the Galaxy logo? Follow this tutorial and learn how to make it from scratch while learning many new techniques. You will definitely get inspired to create other unique logos and text effects in future projects.

  • How to make the Guardians of the Galaxy font
  • How to make the Guardians of the Galaxy text effect
  • How to make the Guardians of the Galaxy logo background
  • How to make a neon light effect in Adobe Illustrator

Tutorial Assets

You’ll need the following resources in order to complete this project:

  • Sezectra: Techno / Sci-fi Game and Sport Font

1. How to Make a New Document in Adobe Illustrator

Launch Illustrator and go to File > New to open the New Document window. There, type the name of the document and set up the dimensions as shown. Keep the Units to Pixels and the Color Mode to RGB. Once you’re done, hit Create Document.

In the image below, you can see the other settings that I prefer to use while working in Illustrator. You can access them by going to Edit > Preferences.How to open a new document in Illustrator

2. How to Make the Guardians of the Galaxy Font

Step 1

Let’s start by taking the Type Tool (T) and writing the word “GUARDIANS” in capitals on your artboard. Use the Sezectra Regular font with a size of 212 pt. The color is not important at the moment.

While the text stays selected, go to the Character panel and change the following settings in order to distort the font (1):

  • Set the tracking for the selected characters-10
  • Horizontal Scale115%
  • Vertical Scale88%

Next, type “GALAXY” on your artboard using the Sezectra Regular font with a size of 212 pt, and apply the following settings in the Character panel (2):

  • Set the tracking for the selected characters25
  • Horizontal Scale115%
  • Vertical Scale85%
How to type Guardians and Galaxy in Illustrator

Step 2

Still using the Type Tool (T), write “OF” on your artboard using the same font (1). Apply these settings:

  • Set the font size80 pt
  • Set the tracking for the selected characters0
  • Horizontal Scale125%
  • Vertical Scale100%

The next piece of text is “THE”. Use the following settings and then arrange it under the word “OF” (2).

  • Set the font size80 pt
  • Set the tracking for the selected characters-25
  • Horizontal Scale125%
  • Vertical Scale100%

Before you continue, make sure that the words “THE” and “GALAXY” are aligned at the bottom and that the words “OF” and “GALAXY” are aligned at the top. Once that’s done, select everything on your artboard and go to Type > Create Outlines followed by Object > Ungroup (Shift-Control-G).

How to type OF and THE in Illustrator

Step 3

In order to make the font more similar to the original Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 logo, we need to distort the letters. We can achieve this by using the Direct Selection Tool (A) and moving some of the points where we want them to be. I recommend activating the Smart Guides by going to View > Smart Guides to help you align the points easily. Let’s start with the letter “G”.

First, while the letter is selected, go to Object > Compound Path > Release to obtain the three separate shapes that make up the letter G. Now, select only the points highlighted in green using the Direct Selection Tool (A) and move them downwards until you cover the empty space in the upper left side of the letter. Also elongate this top shape by dragging the two end points a little to the right.

Next, select only the point highlighted in red using the Direct Selection Tool (A), and move it downwards so it is aligned with the rest of the points at the bottom of the letter.

Continue to select only the points highlighted in blue, and move them upwards by pressing the Up Arrow key on your keyboard about 15 times, which means 15 px. Next, select the two end points and move them to the right to cover the empty space. Finally, select the two points highlighted in orange and move them to the right as shown. Also, elongate the top of this shape by dragging a selection over the three points, and move them upwards by pressing the Up Arrow key on your keyboard a few times.

Once you are done with the distorting (1), select all three shapes and press Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into one shape. This will be the new letter G (2).

How to distort the letter G

Step 4

For the letter “U”, first go to Object > Compound Path > Release to obtain the two separate shapes that make up the letter. Now, select only the two points highlighted in green using the Direct Selection Tool (A), and move them upwards by pressing the Up Arrow key on your keyboard about 15 times (15 px) until the empty space is covered. Once that’s done, select both shapes and press Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into the new letter U (1).

Following the simple distortion techniques explained above, you can modify the rest of the letters in the word “GUARDIANS” (2). How to distort the letter U

Step 5

Continue with the letters in the word “GALAXY” next. Some of the letters are repeated, so there’s no need to make them again. The ones that need to be modified are L, X, and Y, as shown in the image below (1).

Repeat the same techniques for the words “OF” (2) and “THE” (3).

How to distort Of The Galaxy text

3. How to Make the Guardians of the Galaxy Text Effect

Step 1

Now that you have the Guardians of the Galaxy logo text ready and arranged on your artboard, you can go ahead and create the text effect, which consists of multiple appearances.

First, create a group out of all the letters in the word “GUARDIANS” and then another group out of the letters in the word “GALAXY” by going to Object > Group (Control-G). Select the GUARDIANS and GALAXY groups and, in the Appearance panel, click on the Add New Fill icon at the bottom. This will add the first Fill attribute above the Contents line. Use the burgundy linear gradient shown, and set the Angle to 100 degrees.

While the two words stay selected, click on Add New Fill again to add a second Fill attribute under the first one. Use the gold linear gradient shown, and set the Angle to 109 degrees. While this Fill attribute is selected in the Appearance panel, go to Effect > Path > Offset Path and apply an Offset of 2 px.

The gradient color stops are:

  • Color916D3C, Location0%
  • Color553E1B, Location7.5%
  • Color7A5E38, Location8.5%
  • ColorDBB555, Location10%
  • ColorFFFD9D, Location15%
  • ColorDCB456, Location27.5%
  • Color785C37, Location35%
  • ColorE3BD5E, Location45%
  • ColorBF9246, Location55%
  • Color6E5029, Location65%
  • Color4D3717, Location70%
  • ColorBE9146, Location80%
  • ColorD3A74F, Location92.5%
  • Color4E391C, Location100%
How to add appearances 1-2 of Guardians of the galaxy text effect

Step 2

Add a third Fill attribute under the previous two, and use a linear gradient from black to pale yellow at a 90-degree Angle. Keep this Fill attribute selected in the Appearance panel, go to Effect > Path > Offset Path, and apply an Offset of 5 px. Set the Blending mode to Screen (1).

Add the fourth Fill attribute at the bottom of the Appearance panel and use the linear gradient shown, set at a 110-degree Angle. Next, apply a 4 px Offset; then go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown (2).

The gradient color stops are:

  • ColorD3A74F, Location0%
  • Color71501F, Location9.5%
  • Color4D3717, Location40%
  • Color6E5029, Location45%
  • ColorBF9246, Location55%
  • ColorF6C668, Location63%
  • Color693A05, Location73%
  • ColorDCB456, Location82%
  • ColorFFFFDB, Location95%
  • Color916D3C, Location100%
How to add appearances 3-4 of text effect

Step 3

Still with the GUARDIANS and GALAXY groups selected, use a white to black to white linear gradient at a 90-degree Angle to stroke the letters. Increase the Stroke Weight to 2 pt. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and apply a 98% Vertical Scale along with a -2 px Horizontal Move. Hit OK.

While the Stroke attribute is still selected in the Appearance panel, go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a Radius of 1 px. This is a small adjustment just to blur out the stroke a bit and turn it into a soft inner glow. Set the Blending mode to Screen (black becomes transparent).

How to stroke the Guardians Galaxy text

Step 4

We are almost done with this text effect; only the shadow is missing. Click on the Add New Fill icon again to add a new Fill attribute under all the others. Use dark brown as the fill color, and then apply an Offset of 5 px. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and apply a 99.8% Horizontal and Vertical Scale. In the Copies box, choose 6 and hit OK. Finally, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown below.

How to add shadow to Guardians Galaxy text

Step 5

The groups OF and THE have a different text effect applied to them, so we will create it in the following steps.

Click on the Add New Fill icon at the bottom of the Appearance panel to add the first Fill attribute above the Contents line. Use the brown linear gradient shown and set the Angle to 109 degrees (1).

Add the second Fill attribute above the first, and use the golden brown linear gradient shown. Apply an Offset of -2 px; then go to Effect > Stylize and apply the Inner Glow effect (2).

How to add appearances 1-2 to OF THE

Step 6

Add the third Fill attribute under the previous two, and use a pale yellow to black linear gradient at a 90-degree Angle. Apply an Offset of 1.5 px; then set the Blending mode to Screen and reduce the Opacity to 75% (1).

Add the fourth Fill attribute at the bottom and use the linear gradient shown at a 110-degree Angle. Apply an Offset of 1.5 px; then go to Effect > Stylize and apply the Drop Shadow effect (2).

The gradient color stops are:

  • ColorD3A74F, Location0%
  • Color71501F, Location9.5%
  • Color4D3717, Location40%
  • Color6E5029, Location45%
  • ColorBF9246, Location55%
  • Color693A05, Location73%
  • ColorDCB456, Location82%
  • Color916D3C, Location100%
How to add appearances 3-4 to OF THE

Step 7

For the last Fill attribute, use dark brown and apply an Offset of 2.3 px. Next, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform and apply a 99.8% Horizontal and Vertical Scale. In the Copies box, choose 6 and hit OK. Finally, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the settings shown below.

How to add shadow to OF THE text

Step 1

Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw a shape around the entire text, as shown in the image below. Give it a 20 pt Stroke using a light brown color. In the Stroke panel, click on the Round Join and Align Stroke to Outside options.

While the shape stays selected, go to Effect > 3D and Materials > 3D (Classic) > Extrude & Bevel (Classic) and apply the settings shown. Hit OK. This will turn the shape into a 3D edge.

How to make the 3D edge around text effect

Step 2

Copy and Paste in Front (Control-F) the 3D edge shape; then reduce the Stroke Weight to 19 pt and remove the 3D Extrude & Bevel (Classic) effect. Now, go to Effect > 3D and Materials > Extrude & Bevel. As you can see, this effect is different from the classic one and has much more settings and options to choose from.

Under the Object tab, make sure that Extrude is active and use the following settings:

  • Depth1447 pt
  • PresetFront
  • Perspective3 degrees

Under the Materials tab, find and click on Cork Natural to apply it. Next, open the Main Parameters settings and change some of them as shown on the right side of the image.

How to add texture to 3D edge

Step 3

Copy and Paste in Back (Control-B) the 3D edge and open the 3D and Materials window to change some of the settings. In the Materials tab, find and click on Natural Terrazzo Inserts to apply it and replace the Cork Natural material. Next, change the settings under Main Parameters and Inserts, as shown on the right side of the image. Once done, you will get the background behind the Guardians of the Galaxy text effect.

How to make 3D textured background behind text effect

Step 4

Select the 3D edge with the 3D Extrude & Bevel (Classic) effect applied, and then Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) to make a copy of it in front of everything. Go to Object > Expand Appearance to turn the 3D path into a group of shapes (1). Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select only the outer border and delete it. You only need the inner shapes (2).

Double-click on the group of shapes to enter Isolation Mode. Zoom in on a section as much as needed, and select all the small shapes that make up that section as shown in the close-up. Click on Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into one shape (3).

Repeat the same thing for all the other sections, and you will get all the colored shapes shown in the image below (4).

How to make highlight shapes on 3D edge

Step 5

Fill all the colored shapes obtained in the previous step with yellow, and set the Blending mode to Overlay. Keep the Opacity at 100% for some of the shapes, and reduce it to 50% for others, depending on the location of each shape (1). You can adjust this after you create the neon light effect, if needed.

To increase the light even more in some of the sections, Copy and Paste in Front (Control-F) the shapes shown below. Keep the same yellow fill color, but set them to Blending mode Overlay and 40% Opacity (2).

How to make highlights on 3D edge

5. How to Make the Neon Light Effect

Step 1

Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) the 3D edge again, and remove the 3D Extrude & Bevel (Classic) effect. You only need the path. Give it a 6 pt Stroke using any color for the moment. While the path is selected with the Selection Tool (V), drag the bounding box inwards to make the shape smaller (1).

After that, take the Scissors Tool (C) and click on the points highlighted in red to cut the path. Delete the segment between them (2) and then modify the path using the Pen Tool (P) as shown in the image below (3). Before you continue, click on the Round Cap and Round Join icons in the Stroke panel.

How to make the neon light path

Step 2

We will use the path obtained in the previous step to create the neon light effect that goes around the Guardians of the Galaxy text effect. This neon effect consists of multiple appearances and blur effects, as most neon effects usually are.

While the path stays selected, first go to Object > Expand in order to turn the 6 pt Stroke into a filled shape. Follow up with Object > Ungroup (Shift-Control-G). Set the fill color to white; then go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a Radius of 4 px. Hit OK (1).

With the path still selected, click on the Add New Fill icon at the bottom of the Appearance panel to add a second Fill attribute under the first one. Set the fill color to ivory, and then apply a 4 px Gaussian Blur again (2).

How to add appearances 1-2 of neon light effect

Step 3

Add a third Fill attribute under the previous two, and set the fill color to orange. Keep it selected, go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform, and apply the settings shown. Once that’s done, go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a Radius of 5 px. Set the Blending mode of this Fill attribute to Overlay (1).

Add the fourth Fill attribute at the bottom of the Appearance panel, and use yellow as the fill color. Apply a 5 px Gaussian Blur and set the Blending mode to Overlay (2).

How to add appearances 3-4 of neon light effect

Step 4

Add another Fill attribute under the others, and set the color to yellow. Apply the Transform effect using the settings shown, and also a 10 px Gaussian Blur. Set the Blending mode to Overlay (1).

Add a new Fill attribute at the bottom, and set the color to orange. Apply the Transform effect again using the settings shown, and then a 13 px Gaussian Blur. Set the Blending mode to Hard Light this time (2).

How to add appearances 5-6 of neon light effect

Step 5

For the last Fill attribute, use orange again; then go to Effect > Blur > Radial Blur and set the Amount to 22. Make sure that the Blur Method is Zoom and the Quality is Good. Hit OK. Reduce the Opacity to 60%.

How to add radial blur effect in Illustrator

Step 6

At this point, the neon light effect is done. One final thing that you can do to improve the final look of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 logo is to select the GALAXY text effect and, in the Appearance panel, select the black to pale yellow gradient fill and change the Angle to -90 degrees. This will move the highlight to the bottom of the text, which is closer to the neon (1).

Also, select the text “THE”, head over to the Appearance panel, and change the Angle of the black to pale yellow gradient fill to 120 degrees. This will move the highlight to the top left side of the text, which is closer to the neon (2). That’s it!

How to improve Guardians of the Galaxy logo text effect

Congratulations! You’re Done

You have successfully learned how to draw the Guardians of the Galaxy logo. Now that you know how to make it, feel free to apply the same techniques to create other unique logos and text effects. You should definitely be inspired!

Make sure to check out Envato Elements, where you’ll find plenty of resources that will help you in your projects, from logos to text effects, fonts, actions, and so much more. Download as many as you need with a subscription.

Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 logo final image

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